Club Membership

Joining our club

If you wish to join, a membership application should be completed and handed to a committee member, along with your joining fee. Your application will be considered at the next committee meeting and you will be advised by letter if you have been accepted.

Every new member is a Provisional member for the first 12 months; this means that you have almost all the same rights and responsibilities as Full members, except that you cannot vote at general meetings of the club, own or build a permanent building on a site or sit on the committee.

Privacy Act information and Advice for Prospective Members can be found here

Club Management

Hawkes Bay Naturist Club is a registered Incorporated Society owned and run by our members. General meetings allow members to elect our Officers and committee, decide on rule changes and discuss their ideas and concerns.
Our committee meets monthly and corresponds by email whenever else necessary to manage day to day club affairs. All members are welcome to attend these meetings except when confidential matters are being discussed.

Membership Fees

One-off Joining Fee or Rejoining Fee:

$ 35.00

Annual Membership Fee:

$ 250.00

Annual Site Fee:

$ 150.00